Here are some links that Obama doesn't want you to read about him and his wife. This will indeed change your views with Obama!
-They wouldn't vote for a man who is considered "Too Unstable For Presidency"
-They wouldn't vote for a man who RUNS away from the Republicans in the senate and has a minor role
-They wouldn't vote for a man who voted 130 times 'present' in the senate. Or for a man who missed over 40% of the votes. esent_obama.html
-They wouldn't vote for a man who voted in favor of Cheney's 2005 energy bill
-They wouldn't vote for a man who has constantly been spreading misleading propaganda/lies about the Clintons.
-They wouldn't vote for a man who claims to support gay rights but behind the scenes refuses to even be pictured with gay politicians and supports banning gay marriages.
They wouldn't vote for a man who donated $27,000 to racist Rev. Wright!
They wouldn't vote for a man who considers Jeremiah Wright as his "close spiritual mentor".
-They wouldn't vote for a man who's associated with racists such as James Meeks and The Black Panther Party
-They wouldn't vote for a man who receives funds and is considered "friendly" with terrorist William Ayers.
-They wouldn't vote for a man who is proud of his drug use.
-They wouldn't vote for a man who favors attacks on Iran
-They wouldn't vote for a man who is connected to Antoin Rezko
-They wouldn't vote for a man who lied to his voters about his position on NAFTA while running off to Canada telling his words are not to be taken seriously.
More Terrorists endorse Obama Part 1
More terrorists endorse Obama - Part 2
Obama: America's Unhappiest Millionaire
(Michelle Obama's gospel of misery)
Dr. Sowell on Obama: "A living lie"
Erik Rush, February 21, 2007
"Beyond Obama's Beauty"
Ken Blackwell, February 14, 2008
BitterGate -- What do bitter Rust Belt states have in common?
VIDEO: "Gaza's Obama campaign"
"We like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election"
-- Ahmed Yousef, Hamas Political Advisor
Obama-Hamas-Hezbollah Triad
A television news segment produced by Al-Jazeera shows Palestinians in Gaza engaging in phone banking activities for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. May 2008
Obama's Identity Crisis
Obama and his circle of fiends reads like a "Who's Who" from the pro-Islamist or Kill-Whitey sects of the Democrat Party, from the slimy underbelly of Chicago's Daley Machine and beyond ...
Ahmed Yousef (Hamas)
Rashid Khalidi (AAAN)
Ali Abunimah (Electronic Intifada)
Louis Farrakhan (Nation of Islam)
Jeremiah Wright ("US of KKKA")
William Ayers (Weatherman)
Obama is the exact opposite of his campaign facade.
**************************************** ***********
Obama = The Audacity of Hate & Hypocrisy
"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of twelve or thirteen, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites,"
-- Obama's Autobiography, "Dreams of My Father"
"Government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color."
-- Obama's campaign adviser & fellow Democrat race hustler, jew hater, and hamas supporter (Jeremiah Wright)
"Faith got hijacked .... Leaders of the Christian Right have been all too eager to exploit what divides us."
-- B. Hussein Obama (VIDEO: Obama's Hijack-Attack)
Could you please explain the relationships between the following people and Barack Obama?
Part1 (from these reputable sources)
Raila Odinga (BBC - Telegraph - ABC News)
William Ayers (Washington Post - Fox News)
Rashid Khalidi (Yahoo News - WorldNet - Daily -
Nadhmi Auchi - Washington Times - Chicago Sun Times)
Tony Rezko (ABC News - MSNBC - NY Times
Allison Davis - Chicago Tribune - Associated Press)
Gov. Blagojevich (MSNBC - Daily Herald - Associated Press)
Khaleel Ahmed (ABC News)
Zubair Ahmed (ABC News)
Rev. Jeremiah Wright (Fox News - TUCC Trumpet)
Louis Fa0rrakhan (CNN - ADL - CSPAN - Washington Post)
Alexi Giannoulias (NY Post - Chicago Business News - Chicago Tribune)
Aiham Alsammarae - NY Times - Washington Post - NBC -- Chicago Tribune)
Deval Patrick (ABC News - Washington Post - Boston Herald - CAGW)
Robert Malley (World Net Daily - Huffington Post - World Press - Washington Post)
George Soros (NY Times - Herald Tribune - NY Post - CNS News - NY Sun)
Zbigniew Brzezinski (Washington Post - NY Sun - Politico)
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